Bake Sale Success!

GSM Graphic Arts is situated in the town of Thirsk, North Yorkshire. The town is fortunate enough to have amazing local people who have been doing some really fantastic fundraising all in aid of Herriot Hospice@The Lambert.

In the summer and over a 36 hour period a fundraising campaign raised £451,072 which now means that Herriot Hospice is now able to complete the renovation of the Lambert site.

Herriot Hospice@The Lambert is still fundraising for the fixtures and fittings for the building and not one to miss out GSM Graphic Arts jumped at the opportunity to host our own cake sale! Again!

We do like to include savoury treats too so there was such a ginormous spread of sausage rolls and cheese straws to fairy cupcakes and crunchy tiffin!

Everyone got into the spirit and a wonderful day was had by all! And monies were raised towards the Herriot Hospice@The Lambert.