Baking the extra 13.1 Miles!!!

Throughout September GSM Graphic Arts raised a further £700 towards charity.

Earlier in the year, two of our employees embarked on a journey that would see them running The Great North Run in September. Hours upon hours were spent training and not to mention many blisters bloomed and the odd tear shed but Sunday 8th September arrived and two GSM road runners lined up at the starting gate raring to go. A whopping 13.1 miles later coming over the finishing line were two smiley, tired Great North Champions.

We are extremely proud of our employees for their amazing achievement and for selflessly raising money for charity.

On September 26th our team donned their baking aprons and wooden spoons to produce some magnificent cakes, cupcakes and savoury treats all in aid of Macmillan Coffee Morning.
There were most certainly no soggy bottoms and our professional cake eaters and judges agreed that the cakes would give Mary Berry a run for her money!

The extremely clean plates suggested that all had enjoyed the baking. Approximately, over 100 ounces of butter, over 75 ounces of sugar and hundreds of thousands of hundreds and thousands were consumed over that day resulting in full tummies and full money jar for Macmillan Cancer support.

A great big thank you to all of our bakers and well done to our eaters!!