GSM Charity Abseil

It was a cold, wet and windy day in March when five brave (or crazy, depending on how you look at it) ladies from GSM found themselves Abseiling down the third tallest building in Leeds in aid of the Stroke Charity.

Standing at the bottom of the 269 foot building, excitement, fear and anticipation were all in equal measures and the comment by one of the Ladies that “it doesn’t look that high” was soon forgotten when the lift went up to the 27th floor and the reality hit home as they looked down from above. A quick training session followed: helmets and harnesses in place, visible nerves were starting to take over as the time drew closer, each realising that there was no turning back. The hardest part, they all admitted afterwards, was stepping over onto the ledge, with the wind lashing the ropes and the fine drizzle making the building slippery. They bravely descended, one at a time and all fear was soon forgotten, to be replaced by obvious relief and excited happiness to be back on firm ground.

A well-deserved Congratulations to Donna Callum, Catherine MacLeod, Brenda Inman, Tracy Hayden and Lauren Hayden, as over £600 was raised for the Charity and the ladies are now looking for their next adventure…watch this space!