GSM Offers Bespoke Anodised Aluminium Coasters

Have you considered anodised aluminium calendar coasters for your marketing campaign?

It’s that time of the year when companies are looking for new ideas for products to use in their New Year marketing campaigns and GSM’s anodised aluminium calendar coasters provide a quality, cost effective marketing aid that will serve as a desk top reminder of your company’s products and services for a full 12 months.

GSM has been using digitally printed anodised aluminium coasters as a marketing tool for several years now and they continue to generate positive feedback from our customers who now even check to make sure that they are on the mailing list for the next year’s release!

With our unique digital printing and anodising process your full colour artwork is digitally printed into the pores of the aluminium and the inks are then sealed within the surface to provide a hard wearing and solvent resistant surface to your calendar coaster.

To find out more about how our digitally printed anodised aluminium coasters can benefit your 2014 Marketing campaign call our sales team now on +44(0)1845 522184 or click here to request a quotation.