GSM team enjoys the Nidderdale Walk

Gill, Emma, Amanda and Hayley, all members of the GSM Accounts team, recently took part in the Nidderdale Walk, walking 8 miles and raising a total of £750 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

They were joined by Seb Lea-Griffiths, GSM’s Maintenance Engineer, who took on the 14 mile route and completed this in just 4 hours and 1 minute, walking an incredible total of 28,650 steps on the way!

The walk started in Pateley Bridge and offered a choice of 4 distances ranging from 4 miles to 26 miles. All routes followed the Nidderdale Way, through Bouthwaite and Ramsgill, and on to Lofthouse Moor. From there those taking on the longer distance challenge walked around both Scar House and Angram reservoirs before returning to Pateley Bridge via Middlesmoor.

The Nidderdale Walk is an annual event organised by the Rotary Club of Harrogate. It was set up to enable keen walkers and runners to raise money for their own chosen charities and to date the walkers taking part in the annal event have raised a total of over £960,000 for various local causes.

If you fancy having a go and raising some money for your chosen charity then next year’s Nidderdale Walk is due to take place on 19th May 2024.