GSM’s Calendar Coaster 2022 & Year in Review

Coming to the end of our anodised aluminium calendar coasters signifies the end of the year and prompts us to take a look back at the year gone by.

GSM will be finishing the year very positively, looking back at some great achievements over the last 12 months.

This year, GSM has found themselves in a very fortunate position where sales were increasing and (quite frankly) booming. So much so, in March for the first time in history GSM implemented a ‘temporary’ night shift to help keep up with demand. Throughout the summer, sales continued to soar so we have now made the ‘temporary’ night shift a permanent fixture.

In April, GSM exhibited at our first virtual exhibition, EDS Reconnect which was a new and exciting experience, generating new business leads and networking ‘digitally’. It was different but an enjoyable and rewarding experience. By October, we physically exhibited at the Engineering Design Show in Coventry which was fantastic and it was lovely to speak with customers and prospects face to face again.

Throughout the year GSM has contributed towards various different charities. Our Commercial Manager completed her first Ultra Marathon raising nearly £1400 for Brain Tumour Research and The Brain Tumour Charity. Through our bake sales we have contributed £200 towards the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. And our local charity contributions continue as we donated £500 to Lucies Animal Rescue and money towards funding the Thirsk Christmas Lights.

We have been thrilled to encourage our team to engage in company funded training to further progress their knowledge and in doing so improve GSM Graphic Arts skills and expertise across all of our departments.

We have continued to make improvements in our factory and in doing so remain a leader within our industry with new technological advances. We have installed a new printer into our digital suite and new plastic cutting machine to help with demand. Doing our bit to help the planet we have installed solar panels at our facility as the beginning of our move towards using greener energy.

As we send our customers their anodised aluminium calendar coasters, manufactured at our factory, using green energy, by our extremely talented workforce, we look forward to 2022 with hope and excitement.

Contact us to order your calendar coasters now for Christmas delivery.