It was great to meet you!

GSM Graphic Arts has attended the Southern Manufacturing and Electronics Exhibition for several years and this year the show was still as exciting and positive as previous.

A very windy start to the week meant we were preparing ourselves for a quieter than usual show however we were blown away with the turn out on all three days!

Southern Manufacturing was an excellent occasion to show off samples of GSM’s quality label, nameplate and fascias and for our existing customers to pay us a visit. It also provides a great opportunity meet prospective new customers and for companies to enquire about GSM’s label, nameplate and fascia manufacturing capabilities.

We left the show with a record number of quality leads which we have been busy following up. Since receiving our brochure and free sample pack we are pleased to report that several of these companies have now chosen GSM Graphic Arts to be their label, nameplate and fascia supplier.

We had a fantastic show and would like to thank everyone who visited our stand at Southern Manufacturing 2016. However if you were not able to attend and would like to receive our brochure, then please call us on +44 (0)1845 522184 or click here and we will send one to you.