Supporting the Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Yorkshire Air AmbulanceThe Yorkshire Air Ambulance operates two helicopters, one based at Nostell Air Support Unit near Wakefield in West Yorkshire and the other at RAF Topcliffe near Thirsk in North Yorkshire, close by GSM’s factory. They have operated as a charity since 2000 and need to raise £19,000 a day to keep both helicopters flying over Yorkshire.

One of our Customer Account Managers, Kellie Harvey, is a keen fund raiser for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and started raising money back in 2020 at the beginning of the Covid lock down.

Kellie started her fundraising by painting pebbles to place around her village before moving onto street bingo and online Facebook raffles. Once we were out of lockdown, Kellie started hosting the raffles and held an auction at her local pub.

£706 was raised by Kellie’s most recent raffle taking her grand total so far to £8,201.50 and Kellie is planning more raffles and other fund-raising events going forward – Well done Kellie!!

If you would like to support Yorkshire Air Ambulance or find out more about their amazing work please take a look at