Yarn Bombers of Thirsk

The Tour de Yorkshire has caused quite a stir throughout the county and Thirsk has been in the headlines for the spectacular Yarn Bomb which appeared overnight.

GSM Graphic Arts employee, Carole Whitelaw was amongst the 50 volunteers who helped decorate the town through the night. She says “I have been lucky enough to be involved in a local community project to celebrate the Tour de Yorkshire travelling through Thirsk. A local lady had the wonderful idea of Yarnbombing Thirsk but little did she know how this project would snowball”

Through the use of social media the Thirsk Yarnbombers was born and soon grew to over 300 members who all contributed to the decoration of Thirsk. Members were encouraged to use their imagination and create whatever they chose this resulted in a wide variety of items including; covered cycles, door hangers for every shop door in the Market Place and bollard covers which can only be described as amazing. Trees were wrapped in crocheted blankets, benches had knitted feet added and hundreds of metres of bunting was sewn together to adorn the route the cyclists would take.

Nursery schools, Nursing Homes and other groups have all made contributions to the project with ages ranging from 1 – 97 years of age. In the early hours 24th April 2016, 50 members descended on Thirsk to put in place all of the creations, it was done with military precision so that when the people of Thirsk awoke they found their town had literally been ‘coloured in wool’!

Paul Wright, General Manager, of GSM Graphic Arts said “We at GSM are extremely proud to have donated commemorative plaques and coasters to the Yarn Bombers of Thirsk in recognition of the fantastic job they have done in decorating the town centre and surrounding streets. Many months of hard work has gone into the decorations and the results have certainly reflected positively on Thirsk and the local community.”