Charity Fun Days

This week Caroline, a member of GSM’s screen printing team, was challenged to wear her pyjama’s to work all day to raise money for local charity.

Never one to miss out on a chance to dress up, many employees swapped their uniform for pyjama’s raising nearly £90 to help a local family in need of charity. Caroline is to complete the length of two marathons in one month and also sing a solo part in a choir!! She has also put her name to a spot of Alpaca husbandry all in aid of a good cause.

The pyjama day was filled with fun (and work), with cake and laughter and best of all there was an incredible amount of money raised! Well done!

On Friday, we held a Macmillan coffee morning in order to raise funds for the charity. The canteen was overtaken by cakes and savoury snacks resulting in a very happy workforce. There was everything from sausage rolls and cheese scones to shortbread and butterfly buns!

It is safe to say we all left with very full tummies and raised a marvellous £65 towards Macmillan Cancer Support.