Southern Manufacturing & Electronics 2022 Debrief

Earlier this month we attended our first trade show of the year.

Laden with our freshly printed show boards, samples and freebies GSM Graphic Arts arrived at the Southern Manufacturing & Electronics Show in Farnborough, optimistic at ‘physically’ exhibiting at a trade show again. Looking forward to meeting our existing customers and talking with new prospective customers we set up ready for show day.

We eagerly waited for the show organisers to announce ‘The Show is Now Open’ to welcome guests and visitors to the show and GSM Graphic Arts stand.
Among the visitors we met with we spoke with a company who is facing challenges because their branding labels that are used outdoors are fading. Always accepting a challenge, GSM Graphic Arts discussed our extensive research and testing that we have done in order to be able to offer UV stable printing onto both metal and plastic substrates that would help with the problem. Following further discussions and after receiving samples, we are now manufacturing a branding label that will stand the test of time outside.

It was fantastic to meet with some of our existing customers to discuss new and existing projects. Our customers have kept us very busy over the last few years prompting GSM to implement a night shift (for the first time in our history) to keep up with demand. Due to demand continuing, the night shift is now a permanent fixture at GSM Graphic Arts.

Our suppliers took time to visit our stand and discuss with us new raw materials that are coming to the market and that coupled with GSM’s manufacturing capabilities could introduce new labelling products to various market sectors.

We thoroughly enjoyed exhibiting at Southern Manufacturing & Electronics and look forward to growing relationships and business with the contacts we met there.

If you missed us at the show, please click here to receive your up-to-date brochure and samples pack.