Polyester VS Polycarbonate

When designing your product there always tends to be so many questions to ask yourself. Should this LED light go here? Would this design attract consumer’s attention? Should I use adhesive or fixing holes?

And sometimes the last thing you consider is which plastic you require. At GSM we aim to help you with your plastic graphic overlay requirements based on their application.

The two main plastics used when manufacturing control panels, graphic overlays and durable, self-adhesive plastic labels are polyester and polycarbonate. When asked which you may prefer, your answer may simply be, just plastic, however polyester and polycarbonate can vary considerably. For instance; if your graphic overlay has embossed buttons we may suggest Polyester as embossing has a long flex life however if you were looking for a plastic label that is hard wearing and can be used outdoor potentially as floor graphics, then Polycarbonate may be your plastic. Polycarbonate may be used for offshore applications and is resistant to seawater, making it ideal for use in the marine industry. Polyester, however, is resistant to some acids and chemicals which therefore means it lends itself well for use in the medical and instrumentation industries that may use overlays in an environment that may be washed down.

GSM Graphic Arts has had the UV durability of all of our processes and materials tested by an independent testing company.

Vinyl offers an alternative option as it provides an environmentally friendly and moisture resistant option. Vinyl is great for use as an instruction, warning or even as a removable label, as used by many automotive companies or as a destructible label suitable for tamper prevention.

GSM Graphic Arts is one of the leading plastic and graphic overlay manufacturers in the industry, so if you require a UV durable, chemical resistant and hard wearing graphic overlay or plastic label, then please click here or call +44 (0) 1845 522184 to find out what GSM can do to offer a solution.