Quality Matters

For 40 years, GSM Graphics Arts has been listening to your feedback in order to constantly improve our ongoing service and quality of product.

Our dedicated quality team ensures that every member of GSM is confident in the high level of quality service that is expected and offers support and guidance along the way.

The quality team is also there for you, we have the measures in place to ensure that you can rely on us to manufacture your product to ISO 9001:2008 standards. We are 100% inspected by fully trained auditors to ensure we are as effectively functional as possible.

Our quality team have brought the methods and equipment necessary for us to print your barcode requirements to MIL-STD-130.

GSM Graphic Arts is UL approved to LP3143 standards which enables us to print the UL logo onto your required products.

At GSM Graphic Arts we understand the importance a quality service can have on your company which is why we have a specialist team who monitor the quality of your product from the very beginning of your GSM journey.

For more information regarding quality please contact our Senior Quality Engineer, John Stockdale, +44 (0) 1845 522184 or click here to request a brochure.